Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lovin' Life :)

I so wish I could have found time to update you all on all the events of the last few weeks! I will try to go back at some point and record them, but for now I just had to write about some of the most exciting highlights!
           I just got back from seeing the world renowned production of Les Miserables. My whole life I have heard my parents talk about it, listened to the soundtrack, and skated to the music, so seeing it in person was a dream come true. Even with all my expectations, I was shocked at the caliber of the vocals and the emotion and passion which the characters portrayed. I have never heard such strong and beautiful male vocals as Jean Valjeans and the girls' voices were absolutely angelic. After seeing the horrors of the life of the poor during the French Revolution, I was really moved to consider the poor that I pass on the street every day. At the end of the play, all the martyrs stand gazing down from heaven pleading to you to join in their cause and it was really very inspiring. The people who fought during the revolution, even the children, gave everything for what they believed in. I hope one day I may be able to do that. This show is a  "must see" for everyone and I would see it again in a heartbeat if I got the chance.
          Another amazing experience I've had recently was visiting the quaint Medieval town of Brugge, Belgium. 4 of my friends and I took an overnight bus last Friday and arrived in Brugge around 8 am on Saturday. We climbed 366 stairs to the top of a 13th century Belfry, visited the Gutonhuse Palace, the Cathedral of the Holy Blood, and many adorable Christmas shops. Also, because Belgium is known for its "frites" (aka original french fries), belgian waffles, and chocolate, we pretty much ate the weekend away :) The fact that it was rainging the whole time helped ;) On top of that we visited a chocolate museum. It taught us the history of chocolate from when it was traded as a Mayan currency, to when it was brought to Spain and exploded across Europe. We also saw a video on the process of making chocolate and it is very long. The best part however, was seeing the president. Yes, I actually saw Barrack Obama, but yes, he was made out of chocolate. I also saw a chocolate Madonna and child and many chocolate cats! To end the tour we saw a demonstration by a chocolatier making truffles and then got to taste one. Belgrade chocolate=the best I've ever tasted! Traveling back we rode on a christmas decorated coach and arrived bakc in London at 4:30 am! Woohoo. Nothin' like being a crazy college student! I will try to share some more fun adventures soon :)

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