Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Here!

I can't believe the day has finally come. For almost almost a year now I have been talking about and planning for this trip and now it's finally happening! After Daddy and Mattie drove me down yesterday, I met my group at the Atlanta airport where we departed at 11pm. The 8 hour flight was pretty rough considering I had an aisle seat + broken recliner= wake up every 15 min. But, the flight attendant was really nice and gave mw 5,000 frequent flyer miles for having to sleep sitting up.
            We landed at London Heathrow airport around noon and began our trek through custom, to baggage claim, then to the bus. I was constantly shocked and tickled to hear British accents. The funniest thing I heard today was an airport worker say, "The party was just ok, because the DJ was a bit crap." The way she said it just cracked me up. When we arrived at the Daniel House it was very surreal. I had looked at it so many times on google earth, and here it was in real life! Walking into the main hall and looking up the stairs really felt like a movie.
             We received our room assignments and began the hunt. Almost everyone has there own room, but four pairs are sharing a room. I am sharing a room with my sweet friend Susie Walters. All the way up on the 6th floor. There are 2 bunk beds, a desk, 2 armoires and a sink. We have a neat view out our window of the London roof tops!
           After lunch we split up into teams and went on a scavenging tour of the city: buying tube passes, learning our way around and buying some groceries. Later we went on a walk to Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. We returned to a dinner of pizza and finished the daunting task of unpacking and making our room into a home. Now that we finally got everything in place, I am at peace and ready to make up for some lost sleep!
         Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement, and thank you God for bringing me here safely. Big day tomorrow. Good night!

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